Thursday, April 28, 2011

Drum Roll Please

I crafted and mailed out all those postcards and .....well.....(lol) no one left a comment.  That's okay...part of doing that was knowing that I may not get a response and that just sending out something into the world freely was a good thing, a positive thing.

I will continue to make the postcards and send them out to perfectly wonderful strangers.  Perhaps one day someone will stop by and say "Hello".  In the mean time, I get to smile.

On to other art news.

I will be posting my works here and writing about them.  

I switch between my mixed media abstract work and my collage work.  It's nice having the two passions.  The love for the two mediums are equal and I rather like admitting it.  There are some people who have expressed to me a curiosity and or a dislike that I flip between the two mediums.  Honestly, I don't see the difference between the work as much as others do.  I guess what I am trying to say is,  regardless of the medium, each piece of art I create stands alone as an individual but I view the drive behind creating each piece the same.  I am simply an expressionist. Trying to get my thoughts, feelings, daydreams and memories, out there and onto paper and canvas for the world to see.  So what, if one day I want to cut paper for hours on end and another day I feel like picking up a brush and slosh some paint around and scribble over it with oil pastels.  


The question is...........Does it move you in some way?  Negative or positive?  Doesn't matter what feeling is long as something was.  And for the love of Pete....leave a comment and let me know!

Friday, April 8, 2011

#17 Gilroy, CA

To Love Abundantly is to Live Abundantly and To Love Forever is to Live Forever. ~Henry Drummond~

#16 Van Nuys, CA

A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams.  ~Dr. William Arthur Ward~

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

#15 Philadelphia, PA

Don't Aim for Success if you want it, just do what you love and believe in it and it will come naturally.  ~ David Frost~

#14 Harrisburg, PA

It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else............~Erma Bombeck~

#13 Springfield, VA

One person with a belief is equal to a force of ninety-nine who have only interests. ~ Peter Marshall~

#12 Custer, WA

Nothing is Impossible............The word itself says "I'm Possible" ~Audrey Hepburn~